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A New Chapter

Hey Friends,

As you may know, I have been working on a very special project over the last few months, to build a Wellness Centre and community to provide preventative and health enhancing therapies accessible to all.

I’m not going to sugar coat it. This whole process has not been a breeze. Just as I can see the final stretch, two days before opening the doors, I came down with a nasty cold that nearly knocked me out. Yes, I know the irony! Well I’m just like anyone else, if I neglect my body, and just go, go go, without adding quality fuel, without regular quality breaks, then I get run down, and my immunity becomes weak and open to invasion.

Turning a dream into something tangible is tough! But when you are called to something, and it feels bigger than just a paycheck, you don’t dare quit. That has been how this rollercoaster has been for me. My family have had to support me in this unknown step and sacrifice, and it rocked our family for a minute. One day I was a HR Program Manager and the next I was out on my own trying to create something brand new.

I know the risks and the stakes are high, but this is more than a job for me, it is my purpose and passion. I know that all of my life’s lessons have brought me to this moment. That’s a pretty bold statement, but I truly believe it! I’ve never felt so sure about anything.

I am full of excitement, passion and eagerness to share with others what I know. My goal is to shift how we view our health and wellness.

In the last month, I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing Cancer Coaching clients. Listening and supporting them on their own journeys, humble me, and fill me with gratitude for how far I have come in my own journey. I feel great joy as they begin to feel and see improvements by making small changes in their lifestyles. It’s the best feeling!

I also spent three weeks with my online Juice Program, and you wouldn’t believe the changes, both physically but also emotionally. I had a serious group, from US, UK and Canada who started the New Year strong and did not come to play! It was empowering and inspiring and didn’t feel like work, because I just loved spending time with them each day and coaching their transformations.

Then there was my Birthday, which had become bittersweet, due to the loss of my Godson in 2017 at the tender age of 15. It had really left a mark on my birthday and I just couldn’t seem to enjoy the day anymore. But this year, was my 38th and I celebrated for both of us. I remembered who Quamari was and I was filled with so much joy, that celebrating felt like the right thing to do! I have so many great plans for the Alkaline Wellness Centre, it is a real gathering space for the community and I will be announcing some workshops very soon.

No one should have to wait until their body is in a state of dis-ease before learning about how and what makes their body feel optimal.

Let’s step up and create a proactive Health and Wellness community together!

Sasha ❤🦋


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